1. Definition
It is the fold which forms the conjunctiva (the connective tissue of the eye) in the conjunctival sac.
The conjunctival fornix is an important border line, because it marks the transition between the eyelid and the eyeball.
2. Classification
The fornix can be further sectioned in a upper conjunctival fold (fornix conjunctivae superior) and a lower conjunctival fold (fornix conjunctivae inferior).
The upper and lower fold are connected by the plica semilunaris.
3. Anatomy
When reaching the upper and lower end of the conjunctival sac, the bulbar conjunctiva (tunica conjunctiva bulbi) converges over onto the palpebral conjunctiva (tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum).
This merge develops a fold which allows free movement of the eyeball.
The excretory ducts of the lacrimal gland (glandula lacrimalis) opens in the upper conjunctival fold.