1. Definition
In anatomy, directional terms are used for orientation and to describe the relative relationship between two theoretical points.
2. List of directional terms
2.1. Terms for general orientation
- ventral/ anterior: front view
- dorsal/ posterior: back view
- superior: upwards, upper
- inferior: downwards, lower
- medial: to the middle, to the median plane
- lateral: away from the middle, away from the median plane
- ipsilateral: on the same side
- contralateral: on the opposite side
- right
- left
2.2. Terms for the head
- cranial: towards the head
- caudal: towards the tail
- rostral: towards the mouth
- occipital: towards the back of the head
- temporal: refers to the temple region
2.3. Terms for upper limb
- radial: located to radius bone (lateral)
- ulnar: located to ulna bone (medial)
- palmar: towards the palm
- proximal: towards the trunk (in relation to the trunk)
- distal: away from the trunk (in relation to the trunk)
2.4. Terms for lower limb
- tibial: located to tibia (Shin bone)
- fibular: located to fibula (Calf bone)
- plantar: towards the sole
- proximal: towards the trunk (in relation to the trunk)
- distal: away from the trunk (in relation to the trunk)
2.5. Terms relating to the surface
- superficial/ external: closer to the body surface/ outside
- deep/ profound/ internal: Low/ deep to the body surface/ inside
2.6. Terms relating to the body center
- central: towards the center, near the center
- peripheral: away from the center