1. Definition
Leukocytes, commonly known as white blood cells, are a vital part of the immune system, responsible for defending the body against infections, pathogens, and foreign substances. Normal Range: 4,000 to 11,000 leukocytes per microliter (µL) of blood
2. Physiology
Normal Range: 4,000 to 11,000 leukocytes per microliter (µL) of blood.
Variations in the number:
- Leukopenia: reduction in number
- Leukocytosis: increase in number
3. Subclasses
Leukocytes are divided into five main types, each with specific functions in the immune system:
- Neutrophils
- Percentage: 50-70% of total leukocytes
- Lymphocytes
- Percentage: 20-40% of total leukocytes
- Monocytes
- Percentage: 2-8% of total leukocytes
- Eosinophils
- Percentage: 1-4% of total leukocytes
- Basophils
- Percentage: <1% of total leukocytes