1. Definition
Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that play a central role in the adaptive immune system, responsible for identifying and defending against specific pathogens like viruses and bacteria. They account for 20-40% of total leukocytes in the blood.
2. Classification
Lymphocytes are classified into three main subtypes:
- B Lymphocytes (B Cells)
- T Lymphocytes (T Cells)
- Percentage: 60-80% of total lymphocytes
- Function: Key players in cell-mediated immunity, they attack infected or cancerous cells directly. Subtypes include:
- Helper T cells (CD4+): Activate other immune cells
- Cytotoxic T cells (CD8+): Destroy infected cells
- Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells)
- Percentage: 5-10% of total lymphocytes
- Function: Part of the innate immune system, NK cells recognize and kill virus-infected or cancerous cells without the need for prior activation by antigens
3. Physiology
- Normal Range: 1,000 to 4,800 lymphocytes per microliter (µL) of blood
- Percentage in Blood: Lymphocytes make up 20-40% of all leukocytes in the blood
- Lymphocytosis: high lymphocyte count
- Lymphopenia: low lymphocyte count